Advisory Committee's Definition
It is a committee comprising an elite group of experts, academics, professionals and employers in the field of specialization of the program. The committee aims to strengthen the professional partnership and harmonize between the outcomes of the program and the requirements of labour market through the periodic evaluation of the program and its decisions, also the characteristics of the graduates to ensure their consistency with the requirements of the labour market.
Advisory Committee's purpose
The objective of activating the policy of the advisory committees is to develop the program components and study plans to align with international standards and developments at the level of professional disciplines, as well as to achieve the requirements of the labor market in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, in addition to activating the partnership and communication between the program and the labor market to support knowledge, professional and research skills, training and employment programs.
Rules for forming the advisory committee
1- The advisory committee is formed at the level of the college by a decision of the dean of the college after the approval of the college council, to indicate in the resolution the names of the members, their positions and the tasks of a specific time period for the work of the committee.
2- A separate committee should be formed for each program.
3- The scientific department may form one advisory committee in the case of convergence of program specializations.
Rules for selecting members of the advisory committee
1- The committee is consisted of a number of members, representing at least half of the total members from outside the educational institution.
2- The department head / department supervisor heads the advisory committee, and a vice-chairman and secretary for the committee are appointed from among the faculty members in the department.
3- The committee must include in its membership experts from employers practicing the same activity and the general specialized and professional field of the program.
4- The membership of the committee should include the program coordinator and the quality and academic accreditation coordinator.
5- A representative of the students, as well as a representative of the distinguished graduate practitioners, must be appointed within the membership of the advisory committee.
6- The membership of the program's advisory committee must include appropriate representation of the branches, if any.
7- The chairman of the committee may invite non-members he deems appropriate to attend the committee’s meetings, provided that their number does not exceed the number of committee members.
Committee membership term
The department council determines the appropriate period for the work of the advisory committee, according to what the program deems appropriate. The term of committee membership extends from one to two years, subject to renewal.
Advisory Committee meetings
At least one meeting of the committee should be held each semester.
Advisory Committee's working procedures
1-The date of holding the meeting should be determined by inviting the members.
2-The agenda should be discussed in the meeting session.
3-The committee secretary should writes the minutes.
4-The committee chairman should approves the minutes.
5-The recommendations of the meeting should be discussed in the department council.
6-The decisions of the department council should be activated.
7-The performance of the advisory committee is evaluated at the end of each semester.
Advisory Committee's functions
1- Participate in the formulation of the mission, objectives and strategic plan of the program.
2- Participation in the design and development of the program’s courses, tracks and plan, also determine the graduates’ characteristics to in line with the requirements of the labor market.
3- Discussing and evaluating the program’s annual report, performance indicators
4- Suggested Advanced programs and courses aligned with the requirements of the labor market and with 2030 vision.
5- Discussing scientific and research production plans for students and faculty members of the program.
6- Recommending attracting distinguished academic and research talents locally and internationally.
7- Providing the necessary consultations to develop teaching and learning strategies and assessment methods.
8- Discuss budgets and sources of human and financial resource development for the program.
9- Discussing training reports and field experience and ways to develop them and their effectiveness.
10-Discuss memoranda of understanding and cooperation agreements with academic programs or similar educational institutions locally, regionally or internationally.
11- Suggesting local and international academic accreditation bodies, discussing their standards, forming relevant committees, and following up on their performance reports.
12- Suggesting similar academic programs from prestigious educational institutions locally and internationally for the purpose of external benchmarking of performance indicators.
Evaluation of the work of the committee
The work of the Advisory Committee must be periodically evaluated to ensure its effectiveness according to specific performance indicators that include the implemented decisions and recommendations, and follow-up on their activation.
Committee Members of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning
The advisory committee was formed in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning on 17/4/1442 H corresponding to 12/3/2020, then it was reconstituted again in the Thirteenth Council Meeting for the year 1443 H on 27/8/1443 H corresponding to 30/3/2022 to include the following members:
Dr. Ahmad Abed
Department of Urban and Regional Planning - KAU
Dr. Ayman Imam
Department of Urban and Regional Planning - KAU
Committee coordinator
Prof. Mohamed Maatouk
Department of Urban and Regional Planning - KAU
Coordinator of the bachelor's program
Prof. Abdulkader Murad
Department of Urban and Regional Planning - KAU
Coordinator of the doctorate's program
Prof. Wahid Salem
Department of Urban and Regional Planning - KAU
Coordinator of the department strategic plan
Dr. Haysam Hebaishi
Department of Urban and Regional Planning - KAU
Head of Subcommittee
Abdulaziz Shaaban
Department of Urban and Regional Planning - KAU
Representative of students
Eng. Hussein Ghonaim
Jeddah Municipality
Eng. Mohamed Alhenidi
Private sector
Eng. Mohamed Ramzah
Private sector
Eng. Amar Habis
Private sector
Eng. Amar Sendi
Private real estate company
Eng. Walid Hazaa
Housing National company
Eng. Mohamed Borhan
Private Engineering company
Eng. Ahmad Elhadad
Private company
Eng. Saman Bekheit
Private company
Eng. Amro Alrasheidi
Private company